We're supporting over 500 startup in Africa

We're supporting over 500 startup in Africa «

  By: A.J. Smart on Nov. 20, 2020, 11:07 a.m.

Nomfro Technologies’ Entrepreneurship Empowerment Project (NTEEP-2021) is our first edition that seeks to identify and support innovative startups whose activities can create solutions and employment in Africa.

As countries slowly re-open from the lockdown, businesses—especially small and medium enterprises (SME)—are confronted with challenging business environment where consumers not only have far less money to spend but will also restrict their movements and minimize their physical interactions.

In this ‘new normal’, consumers are increasingly turning to the Internet to purchase goods and services. And with the possibility of more infections and lockdowns on the horizon, both new and current SMEs in the internet space need to make their businesses as resilient as possible very quickly. This project will provide over 500 start ups entrepreneurs across Africa with $500 worth of credit each. This credit will be used to cover costs of business website or e-commerce website development and mentorship program for participants.

The aim of this project is to provide African startups access to free business websites or e-commerce websites and digital marketing strategies that make SMEs more robust online.

Eligibility In order to qualify for this funding, The following criteria have to be met:

  • Your business must be operating in Africa

  • The startup is in idea-stage or early-stage

  • Can demonstrate the potential for future scale Lean more https://nomfro.com/nteep2020/

Posts: 1

Re: you're supporting over 500 startup in Africa «

  By: Guest on March 23, 2021, 9:19 a.m.

Bonjour, J'ai une petite entreprise que j'ai lancé dans le domaine énergie renouvelable, notre objectif est de mettre en place un point de vente des kits solaires(PV, regulateur, batteries.....) J'aimerai connaître vos avis. Cordialement, Merci,

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