The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) has launched a call for proposals for climate and clean energy projects and businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Selected projects will receive no-cost coaching by professional consultants and, once they are investment-ready, benefit from PFAN’s Investment Facilitation services. Entrepreneurs looking to initiate or scale-up clean energy or other climate change-related projects and seeking an investment of up to $50 million are invited to apply. This is an open-ended call for proposals without a deadline.
The coaching support provided through the PFAN Project Development and Financing Initiative for Climate & Clean Energy in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia will help entrepreneurs develop and refine a financially viable and socially and environmentally sustainable business plan, to be employed in subsequent investor outreach. After completing the coaching phase, the projects will receive assistance in terms of financial mobilisation, deal making facilitation and other follow-up support.
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