Investment opportunities:
I am looking for people who can invest in my business.
My company has: my training & coaching activities, a start up in the sale of natural cosmetic products, a t-shirt printing and also in Gold trading as well as other activities being launched.
The investment is made in the form of a loan repayable monthly or semi-annually.
From the second month after your investment, you are reimbursed 10% of your invested capital for 24 months.
The investment starts from $ 500 to X amount.
For example :
For $ 500. You are reimbursed $ 50 per month for 24 months, which gives a total of $ 1,200.
For $ 1,000. It’s $ 100 a month. $ 2,400 in 24 months
For $ 2,000. It’s $ 200 a month. Or $ 4,800 in 24 months.
For $ 10,000. It’s $ 1000 a month. Or $ 24,000 in 24 months.
My contact :
Whatsapp +243818826706
Email :