Hi, as a caring and wonderful supporter, how can you help us achieve our goal in supporting girl-mothers?

''...Really, When women succeed, we all succeed. By investing in women’s education, workplace equality, and physical and emotional health, you’re investing in the future. That’s because strong, healthy women make for a strong, healthy future...''. A third of youth surveyed globally by UNICEF say their education is not preparing them with the skills to get jobs. Visit link at https://prn.to/2Q0h1uX

Today, we want to continue to advocate and economically empower rural girl-mothers. Kindly share, Like and click to donate through GoFundMe at gf.me/u/vvw39i, GlobalGiving at https://goto.gg/44670 or GivingWay at https://bit.ly/2xxpCi7 to impact women’s development.

We would be glad to hear from you.