Hiring African Talent

Having a 5% average GDP growth annually, Africa is becoming one of the most ’hopeful’ continents of all. With the economic growth increasing at a neck break speed, and the involvement of technology growing by heaps and bounds, the need for more labor is growing as well. The sole reason for this is that foreign companies are looking forward to expanding in the African region. Although the African region may be considered a land of talented people, the HR departments of different companies are still finding it a daunting task to find eligible candidates.

However, most people might not be properly familiar with how they can hire African talent, to fulfill the growing need of employment in African cities. Here are some of the most effective ways of hiring the right African talent for your firm. 

How to Hire African Talent?

  •  Choose Wisely:

One of the most important things a company owner needs to keep a check on is being extremely skilled in his or her field of work. The company owners need to make sure that they are hiring people who will not look elsewhere, especially when you are going through the initial stages of the company. 

Being the right person, to pick the right person to do the job for you is very important. You have to remember that the person you are going to hire has a certain role in your company. Make sure not to let your new hire, defeat the purpose of their hiring.

  •  Prefer Passion:

Most companies might not pay attention to passion, and would rather go with experience. However, fresh talent has one of the most important things you need in an employee – dependability. This attribute comes with the passion an individual has for their field and niche. Passion is the driving force which might help the employee to go beyond a job description, and rise above as an exceptional asset to your company. Hence in some cases, companies should prefer passion over experience.

  •  Guide Your Employees:

Nurturing your employees must be something which you are proficient in. Mostly in Africa, the owing salaries are common, and paying your employee on time can be one of the most engaging retention strategies you use. Make sure to pay each employee on time, and never offer more than you can afford. This shall ensure a steady hierarchy and a healthy telationhsi between the management and the employees. Moreover, your role as a guide in the company must not be misunderstood at any cost, and carried out with professionalism and dedication towards the company.

  •  Be Creative:

Being creative and exciting can be the de facto of your employees looking up to you as a role model. You have to make sure that you beat the stereotype of the workplace and become a bit innovative at times. Do not become dull, as coming up with new ideas will energize your team. Moreover, being a bit open-minded with your employees, while maintaining the boundaries of professionalism is one of the most easiest ways to convey a message to your superiors, engagingly. 

  •  Culture Fit:

Last but not the least, make sure to hire those people, who deem fit for your work family. The African talent you hire must know how to fit in the company culture, what the mission of the company is and what company expects from them. Anyone who has a different mind-set or a question about your policies and the way you work might be a potential danger in the future, if not managed in the start-up stages.

How We Can Help:

  •  Our Development Over Years:

More than a dozen different companies join us daily, in order to fulfill their desire of maintaining a steady platform for African talent recruitment. On the other hand, the number of individuals, using our platform to find their dream jobs is growing by heaps and bounds. 

  •  Our Previous Achievements:

Our platform was developed, on an extensive research of how our target audience reacted to such a platform, and which kind of people felt the need for it. A team of professionals is always up-to-the-task, in order to make our platform more interactive and functional for the new African talent. 

  •  The Industrial Opportunities:

As most people might know, most of the recruitment processes which take place in Africa today are carried out through newspaper ads, TV commercials and CD/DVDs. However, we make sure to reverse and change this culture, by providing an online platform to both, the finders of African talent, and the people who possess this talent. 

  •  The Incentives:

The chance to work for different companies, varying in the scale and proportion and to work at different scenic beauties of Africa, such as Rwanda can be what drives most of our users in using our platform to find the best job for themselves, in the African job market.

  •  Trade and Not Aid:

We believe in creating jobs in Africa, to alleviate poverty, rather than providing an international aid to the talented people of Africa. We make sure to empower the African talent and help them in finding their dream job, regardless that it is a small start-up or a multinational firm.

The Bottom Line:

The African region is becoming rich in employment opportunities, as more and more companies are looking to invest in these lands. However, with the economic growth, huge waves of employment options are also rising. To meet this need, the companies need to maintain criteria, on the basis of which, they can find eligible clients for their business. We at Afrinection Inc. make sure to create a healthy link among African professionals out there in every corner of the globe. We are an online community, comprising of entrepreneurs and organizations seeking fresh and experienced talent, as well as job seekers of different experience levels, related to different industries. Hence, if you are an African professional seeking your dream opportunity or a firm looking to hire the best and brightest African talent, visit www.afrinection.com.